The great poet ,Li Bai , used to highlypraise the river in his poem, “the clean brook refreshing, its colour outstanding; How I wonder, why so clear the water”.
Huizhou region is well known to this worldfor its heavy historical background and wonderful view. Mountains and rivers in the distance, clouds and mist covering the mountains andpine trees work together to create a harmonious ,exquisite environment.
Besides the natural environment ,whatstands out is the Hui-style architecture, which features white wall, blacktiles as well as Ma Tau Wall. As one of the most important styles, theHui-style architecture advocates simplicity and respect human nature. It comes from nature and fits in with the environment harmoniously and elegantly.
Lin Jiang Yi Lou (Riverside Yilou Restaurant),which is a complex catering service, is situated in Liyang Water street in Huangshan city, which is famous for its beautiful Hui-style architectural complex as well as the restaurants and bars for local food.Linjiang Yilou was a detached building and is rebuilt by its investor, the Yilou Catering Company. It’ s the combination of both Hui-style elements and modern design. It follows the plain colour view which gives expressions tothe harmony of heaven and earth in Chinese culture and the natural beauty of simplicity.Its main colours are grey and white and its decoration and ornaments are mainly black, white ,grey as well as some light colours. Our design is based on the Hui-style architecture elements and the theme ofour design is “painting Huizhou Region”, which is aimed to reflect the classic charm of Huizhou region through modern design. To achieve our goal, we make the most of thecultural resources of Huizhou region and consciously, we extract and purify ,process and simplify all the importantelements .We create and adapt while we inherit.
项目名称| 临江一楼
Project | Lin Jiang Yi Lou (Riverside Restaurant)
项目地址 | 安徽·黄山
Address | Huangshan City, Anhui Procince
项目面积 | 6000平米
Area | 6,000m2
意向东方(北京)设计顾问有限公司 联合创始人刘宁、郭晨希先生作为2018年度德国if设计奖获得者受邀赴德国参加iF设计奖盛典。iF奖盛典之夜于德国当地时间2018年3月9日在慕尼黑的BMW Welt举行,当晚来自全球40多个国家、2,000多名来自设计界、学术界、文化艺术界及媒体等领域的精英人士共同出席2018年iF设计奖盛典活动。iF首席执行官Ralph Wiegmann主持了此次活动,活动当晚举行了颁奖仪式、欢迎酒会、盛大Party等系列活动。二位创始人与其他获奖嘉宾一起进行了设计交流、共同分享设计成果及获奖喜悦,在慕尼黑美妙的IF之夜与全球的设计界精英们共同为创造更优秀的设计作品而欢聚。
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